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No estamos afiliados a ningún plan ni respaldados por ninguna entidad o agencia gubernamental. Conectamos a las personas con proveedores de seguros y otros afiliados (colectivamente, ""Socios"") para brindarle a usted, el consumidor, la oportunidad de obtener información sobre seguros y conectarse con Agentes de seguros con licencia. Al completar el formulario de cotizaciones o gustar al número que se indica arriba, se lo dirigirá a un socio que puede conectarlo con un agente de seguros con la atrevimiento adecuada que puede responder sus preguntas y analizar las opciones de planes.

Facebook Marketplace is an online classifieds service that connects buyers and sellers, allowing anyone to post or browse items for sale. It's available on the main Facebook website, Ganador well Ganador through the official Facebook app.

In addition to an increased staffing capacity, Navigators will be offering more impar-traditional appointment hours, bringing in-person assistance to consumers through the use of mobile units, and offering aparente appointments aimed at reducing transportation barriers.

Finalized federal rule reduces total duration of short-term health plans to 4 months A finalized federal rule will impose new nationwide duration limits on short-term limited duration insurance (STLDI) plans.

¿Qué es un evento de vida que califica? Un evento de vida que califica es una situación que cambia tu vida —como cumplir 26 primaveras, mudarse a otro estado o tener un bebé— y que puede afectarte a ti y a tu seguro médico.

It depends. Large employers who "self-insure” — meaning they pay employees' health care costs directly — don't have to provide essential health benefits. But many do. Check here with your employer to find demodé if it’s self-insured and what services are covered.

All states are subject to certain aspects of the ACA. Before the ACA, the CDC estimated1 that there were 48 million uninsured adults in the U.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for

Any health insurance that meets the Affordable Care Act requirement for coverage. The fee for not having health insurance no longer applies. This means you no longer pay a tax penalty for not having health coverage.

A discount that lowers the amount you have to pay for deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. In the Health Insurance Marketplace®, cost-sharing reductions are often called “extra savings.” If you qualify, you must enroll in a plan in more info the Silver category to get the extra savings.

For example, per federal guidelines, insurance companies can’t increase an individual’s overall premium above three times the almohadilla rate for the oldest individuals in their state.

Para ampliar tu inteligencia y aumentar las ventas, puedes añadir el expedición como método de entrega a cualquier parte del marketplace des moines departamento continental de Estados Unidos. Puedes remunerar y acoger pagos de guisa segura con la opción de finalización de operación en Marketplace.

Do I have to buy my health insurance through a Marketplace? You are not required to buy coverage through the Marketplace. There is no longer a federal penalty for not having health coverage (although DC and four states have state-based penalties for people who choose to remain uninsured).

It displays the location of buyers and sellers and users' public Facebook profiles and cover photos. You will also see if you have friends in common.

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